*Mail orders will be processed on an individual basis and may be subject to increased shipping fees and longer processing times until January 2025* STORE HOURS OF OPERATION
We are still offeringcurb side pick up or FREE deliverywithin Regina & Moose Jaw city limits with orders of $15 or more *not available Dec 24-26 & Dec 30-Jan 1*
*For CURB SIDE PICK UP or LOCAL DELIVERY search theITEMcalledLOCAL DELIVERYand add it to your CART at any point during your online shopping* Not seeing what you're looking for? Give us a call at 306-347-3111 or email us at sales@bongworld.ca
Highly Educated Gavel V2 Male 55º Quartz Banger Introducing the Gavel, an opaque bottom quartz banger style nail from Highly Educated. For fans of both the banger style and the...
Highly Educated Gavel V3 Male 90º Quartz Banger Introducing the Gavel, an opaque bottom quartz banger style nail from Highly Educated. For fans of both the banger style and the...