*Mail orders will be processed on an individual basis and may be subject to increased shipping fees and longer processing times until January 2025* STORE HOURS OF OPERATION
We are still offeringcurb side pick up or FREE deliverywithin Regina & Moose Jaw city limits with orders of $15 or more *not available Dec 24-26 & Dec 30-Jan 1*
*For CURB SIDE PICK UP or LOCAL DELIVERY search theITEMcalledLOCAL DELIVERYand add it to your CART at any point during your online shopping* Not seeing what you're looking for? Give us a call at 306-347-3111 or email us at sales@bongworld.ca
The Monkey Pipe was the first in our line. Made with stainless steel nuts and screws and with a stainless steel lining in the bottom, the Monkey Pipe is a breeze to clean. Two ventilation ports through the center of anodized aluminum keeps the unit cool.